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5 Awesome TIPS To Spend Your Valentine’s Day Right / TIPS ❤️

yayWow! It’s already February again. Just look how fast the time flies.
What’s up, pal? Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Do you have any plans already? If not then that’s perfectly fine.
Valentine’s Day is a perfect day to show the people in your life that you love them.
How I wish it’s a Friday.
Most people I know will probably be busy during the 14th, Tuesday. Certainly, they’d be
dating here and there and literally going everywhere. Well, no biggie- hopefully. As for me, I’d probably end up blogging and pinning all day long… Well, as you can see this post isn’t about that because today we’re going to talk about my “5 Awesome Tips To Spend Your Valentine’s Day Right”.

1. Go Places, Go Everywhere!
kikiBeing single doesn’t mean you don’t have every right to go outdoors on Valentine’s Day, lol. Get some sunlight-! It can be a simple visit to your local park, a quick trip to the mall, a visit to your parents/friends house, or if you have enough budget; plan a trip to somewhere, pack your things, and you’re ready to go!
It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or expensive, really. Most of the time the simpler the better. Plus, going places relaxes your mind and boosts your health. It is proven and effective, so you’ll have no excuse.



2. Be Productive, Active, and Creative
pinterestIt is the perfect time to do that DIY Table Organizers and Potted Plants you’ve been pinning at your Pinterest account-! Be ridiculously creative and productive- Make artworks that you can sell online, try cooking a different recipe, make designs, clean your house, take the stinky garbage out, or maybe start a blogging career?

Also, not to mention… You can check-out my ultimately and ever so interesting DIY Board by clicking the blinking Pinterest icon. That would be really awesome-!

3. Take the Opportunity to Rest and to Relax
Talk about rest. When was the last time you had your mandatory 8-hours of sleep? I’m giphy-2sure you can’t recall. Your bed’s probably missing you. This is the perfect time to have a ridiculously awesome “ME-TIME”. Take afternoon naps, do some exercise, make a home spa treatment ( that you can find here —> link ), and don’t forget to play some of your relaxing jazz music.
Hmm… Just imagine how good and refreshing could it be soaking your feet on soapy warm water while listening to your favorite Lo-Fi/1960s playlist. Take my money-!

4. Host Your Own Valentine’s Day Party
It’s not that necessary to be on a date during this festive day. Why giphydon’t you host a simple Valentine’s Day Party for yourself and invite some of your friends over? In-a-relationship people can’t have all the fun all for themselves, duh?
Prepare good food, good music, card/board games, catch-up with each other, exchange gifts (maybe?), or better;

5. Movie/Series Marathon!
We are never too old for all sorts of film, may it be animated or not. Watching movies/series is one thing that I enjoy most, together with my family and friends.
Romantic films are indispensable during Valentine’s Day.
FACT: Due to popular demand, a lot of romantic films are made and released here in the Philippines even if it’s not February. It’s like Valentine’s Day here, all-year-round!
Recently, I’ve watched a 2016 film called the “La La Land”. I believe it’s still at the theaters and it’s absolutely worth it!  The film itself was amazing, the music was terrifyingly good, and the ending… was groundbreaking! I recommend you to watch it. I’m shook. Here’s the trailer.

NOTE: Too much exposure to television and computer screen’s very nauseating and bad for your vision. Kids, keep in mind to follow the precautions. It’s for your own safety.

 Let us remember that Valentine’s Day shouldn’t be the only day to show our loved ones that we adore them, support them, and we truly cherish them. Show love to everyone, everyday, and every time. Make everyday a Valentine’s Day.
Thank you so much for taking the time reading my post. As always, stay tuned for more. 🙂
Posted 02/05/2017 06:34AM

21 thoughts on “5 Awesome TIPS To Spend Your Valentine’s Day Right / TIPS ❤️

    1. True! The directing, the actors/actresses, and the music! Everything was indeed magical. It left me at awe (even with that twisted ending)- lol.

      Thank you Anne for the comment and the appreciation. Have a wonderful day.


  1. Yes… Valentine’s day is coming up! I will be surely busy that day at work. It’s white day in korea and japan. not for sure. haha.. I like the list that you mentioned. Just like you, I will most likely be blogging that. I will publish an article too related to Valentine’s day. 😀 so stay tuned. Haha! i want to watch La La land but didn’t got the chance. I’ll just buy a DVD. 😀 And hey… do you pin a lot? haha.. Follow me too in PINTEREST! @thelovelrhythm ^^~ the i can follow you back!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sure thing, lol. La La Land’s really awesome and I hope you’ll see it soon. Looking forward for the movie review.
      About Pinterest, sure thing-! I’ll check on it later. I still have to finish my homeworks first. #le_crei

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think so on what I saw in the trailer. I like musical movies too. 🙂 Do you know hairspray — zac efron?

        Thanks! It’s just fine. Take your time. 😀


      2. I do know Hairspray! It used to be my favorite, but now it’s La La Land… and its song “City of Stars”.

        I can’t seem to find your Pinterest account.

        Liked by 1 person

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